Thank you for the blog awards!

First, my apologies to Sanjana of Feeding the Sonis as I meant to pay forward her blog award a few months back but somehow missed it. Better late than never. So, here goes…
20140219-235158Thank you, Sanjana. I am honoured to be considered part of your WordPress blog family. Thank you for sending me feedback on my food posts regularly. I enjoy your posts as well and hope to try out a couple of the Fijian food on your blog sometime. For now, I would like to nominate the following lovely bloggers for this special award.

liebster-award1Next, I would like to thank Charanya of Yes! I’m Vegan and Malar of Malar’s Kitchen for nominating me for the Liebster blog award. I enjoy checking out the vegan recipe posts of Charanya and the kitchen experiment posts of Malar.

Responding to Charanya’s 11 questions:

  1. What’s your favorite cuisine? My mother’s home-cooking.
  2. What would be the last meal you will love to eat? I’d prefer to drink some fresh, cool and clean water. I’d rather not go to my afterlife with a parched throat 😉
  3. What is your favorite vege? Paithangai/ Yardlong beans
  4.  Do you watch Game of Thrones? No.
  5.  If you are vegan, why? If not, do you think you could be one for few days? I am not vegan but the food in my home leans mostly towards vegan.
  6.  Is there anything your life wont be the same without? my mother.
  7.  What’s your favorite movie? Salangai Oli (1983).
  8.  Is there any color you loved as a kid? Blue. I still love the colour.
  9.  Is there anything you would change in your life if life had a rewind button? I would go back to those moments when I have judged situations viewed through very rigid lens and respond differently.
  10.  Do you own an iphone or an android? An android.
  11. 3 words that could describe you: Life long learner.

Responding to Malar’s 5 questions:

  1. Your Favorite tourist spot? Weligama bay area in south Sri Lanka
  2. Weekends what do you do? Mostly read.
  3. Have you done anything crazy? Definition of crazy is relative, I guess. For someone who has never danced since my childhood, a group of friends and I once danced to north African music playing from our truck in an otherwise empty car park at the base of Mauna Kea in Hawai’i. What can I say? It was a full moon night 🙂
  4. Who is your favorite Actor/Actress ? I generally have favourite movies rather than favourite actors but after considering the fact that Kamal Haasan seems to have acted in most of the Tamil movies that I have really enjoyed, I guess my favourite actor is Kamal Haasan. I do consider him South Asia’s best actor.
  5. Something which you love to do other than cooking: Travelling.

My nominations for the Liebster blog award are following lovely bloggers:

Instead of the questions, I only have one request to those accepting the above nominations. Please do share one of your favourite music clips on your acceptance/ nomination post.

To wrap up this post, I’d like to share a colourful folksy song from the movie Azhagiya Tamil Magan (2007) starring Vijay Chandrasekhar and Shriya Saran. Credits: music composed by A.R.Rahman, playback singers are Benny Dayal, Archith and Dharshana.

Thank you to all the readers of this blog! Have a lovely week!

18 thoughts on “Thank you for the blog awards!

    • Happy to hear that you enjoyed the folk song, Linda 🙂 It is funny when I initially started sharing music clips, I was simply planning to share a few and leave it at that. Now, I have become so wrapped up in it that I have set up a schedule of the the musicians and songs that I would like to feature for the rest of their year.

  1. Yayyy! Congrats! Thx for your kind encouraging words 😘 and guess what the tour finally caught up to me…i got sucked in big time lol I was very disheartened when I couldnt participate earlier. I love your interesting and unique (to me) Sri Lankan cuisines and always looking fwd to reading your posts and listening to your choice of music. Music after all is universal.😊Thx and keep blogging.

    • Thank you, Sanjana, for your kind words… I am looking forward to your blog tour post and your music clip 🙂 I agree music is universal.

  2. Congratulations, Ahila! Well-deserved awards, certainly. I love what you did with your acceptance post. I enjoyed the music and the dancing, and definitely all those colorful sarees. So pretty! Thanks for including my blog in your list. ❤

  3. Pingback: Well, at last I did a Cheese Soufflé | flippenblog's Blog

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